Pet Wellness Exams

Wellness Exams for Pets in West Hartford, Kensington & Windsor


Going to the doctor for check-ups and to ask questions about your health is the same for your furry family member. Pet wellness exams are when they can get a thorough examination to ensure their bodies are in tip-top shape. We check their vitals and weight and make sure their vaccinations are up-to-date. If you have related questions about other services we offer like pet spay and neuter, the wellness exam can be a good time to get answers. A wellness exam can also alert us to potential health conditions in your pet.

Wellness Care for All Pets

Any-aged animal benefits from our pet wellness exams. Puppies and kittens need to start essential vaccinations and we need to make sure they’re developing strongly. Adult pets need to have their health checked up on, even if they seem otherwise healthy because issues can be prevented with proper wellness care. Senior pets often need extra care to ensure they can be your loyal companion for many more years. Some of the things we may discuss during a pet wellness exam are:

  • Your pet’s diet and how often they’re eating.

  • Any changes in their weight.

  • A parasite prevention plan.

  • A regular exercise routine.

  • A training schedule for new puppies.

  • Advanced diagnostics if we suspect any underlying conditions.

  • How to take care of your pet’s teeth at home.

  • Dental care including filling cavities or extractions.

Two dogs

Keeping an Eye on Your Pet’s Wellness

If you’re bringing a new bundle of fur home, please schedule a pet wellness exam right away. A new puppy or kitten may need to be dewormed and we can set up important vaccinations then. We can also determine the best time to spay or neuter your new pet at an exam. Dogs can have varied times it’s best to spay or neuter. After your pet grows out of their first year of life, you should schedule a wellness exam at least once a year. Depending on any health issues, we may want to see your companion up to three times per year. Senior pets can rapidly develop health complications and we ask that you bring them in for a wellness checkup at least three times every year. Please contact us about any questions you may have about pet wellness care! We’re here to serve the Connecticut pet community and their owners.

Please note: Connecticut Veterinary Center does not currently offer services related to the issuance of international health certificates, pet passports, or certificates of veterinary inspection for international travel. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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