In-House Laboratory

In-House Laboratory Services in West Hartford and Windsor for Pets

Dog with cone

The Laboratory at the Connecticut Veterinary Center provides valuable and comprehensive pet diagnostic services. No matter what time your pet’s emergency occurs, we are equipped to offer a complete range of in-house diagnostic testing. We also utilize referral laboratories to provide some of the more specific procedures. Our in-house laboratory is staffed 24/7 with highly qualified veterinary technicians.

Below is a list of some of the in-house diagnostics:

  • Canine Snap 4DX-Canine Heartworm Antigen, Anaplasma Phagocytophilum, Borrellia Burgdorferi, Ehrlichia Canis Antibody Test

  • Feline Triple Snap-Feline Heartworm, Feline Leukemia,(FELV) Feline Immunodeficiency Virus(FIV)

  • Canine Parvo Virus Snap Test-Parvo virus Test

  • Ethylene Glycol Test-(Kacey Test)

  • Urinalysis-Urinalysis strip, specific Gravity & Microscopic Exam

  • Ear smears, Skin Scrapes

  • Fecal Direct Smears

  • Vaginal Smears

  • …and many more

Our in-house analyzers are:

  • Idexx ProCyte Dx Hematology Analyzer

  • Idexx Catalyst DX-Chemistry Profiles & Electrolytes

  • Idexx Coag Machine

Some of the tests run on these machines are:

  • Pre-Anesthetic Testing

  • Pancreatic Panel

  • Electrolyte Panel

  • Hepatic and Renal Panels

  • Complete Blood count

  • Chemistry 17 Profile

Referred laboratories we use are:

  • State Laboratory-Rabies Testing

  • U-CONN- Necropsy

  • Texas Urolithiasis Laboratory- Calculi Analysis

  • National Veterinary Labs-Feline Bartonella Testing

  • Kansas State for Rabies Titer Testing