Dental Care

Dog & Cat Teeth Cleaning in West Hartford

Smiling dog

Many pet owners do not realize the importance of dog and cat teeth cleaning for their best friend. The veterinary team at our West Hartford location places a strong emphasis on pet dental care because we want pet owners to be aware of the connection between good oral health and good physical health in their pet.

Some Facts About Pet Dental Care that Every Pet Owner Should Know

As a pet owner, it’s important to know some of the most common pet dental facts:

  • Oral disease is the number one heath problem diagnosed in dogs and cats

  • Dental disease is the #1 health problem in pets over 7 years of age, and the #2 health problem in pets under 7 years of age

  • Dental disease is the most common cause of bad breath

  • When left untreated, dental disease leads to a number of physical health conditions including infections in the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys

Professional Dog & Cat Teeth Cleaning in West Hartford

Cat getting teeth examined

When your pet comes in for a physical examination, our team always looks at their mouth to determine whether professional dog or cat teeth cleaning is recommended. Often if the oral cavity has build-up on the teeth, red or inflamed gums, visibly broken teeth, a foul smell, etc., our team will recommend a professional teeth cleaning.

Our pet dentists will anesthetize your pet for their treatment in order to ensure that they can clean and examine your pet thoroughly without causing them any discomfort. During the pet dental cleaning, you can expect:

  • Pre-anesthetic blood work to ensure that your pet is healthy enough for anesthesia

  • Anesthesia accompanied by surgical monitoring to ensure your pet’s safety throughout the procedure

  • A thorough examination of your pet’s oral cavity

  • Cleaning of your pet’s teeth

  • Removal of buildup such as tartar and plaque

  • Extraction of any diseased or broken teeth, if needed

After your pet’s dental care, our team will discuss the results with you and offer our recommendations for continuing, at-home dental care after their appointment with our pet dentists.

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